Spread The Word!

Please help us collect as many signatures and used filters as possible by telling everyone you know about this campaign. Here are a few ways to help to spread the word.


1) Send an e-mail to everyone you know.

2) If you have a blog, consider writing a post about the campaign. Or install this badge on your sidebar. You can either download the badge to your own website and link it to http://www.takebackthefilter.org or copy and paste the following code into your blog template:

<a href="http://www.takebackthefilter.org"><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgf3oLPzPOTa-qydXw2s1yWstbUmZMMnC1jYueHVGsGqfOWdq21A7XJfC4pE1FhfOh41SqFSSvFU7Nb4zTC_LJgMJrzIr6w_cEsx2tHd5Aeq4vSqn4cKOYfMY7lKReh15cnBA9xUpK8DT5T/s1600/take_back_the_filter_badge2%255B1%255D.gif"  width="160"></a>

3) Put up flyers around campus, in grocery stores, and on community bulletin boards:
4) Mention the campaign in chat rooms and other online forums.

5) Write a letter to the editor of your local paper.

6) Call your local radio station and let them know about the campaign.

7) Publish an announcement in the newsletter of any local groups or religious organizations to which you belong.

8) Use your imagination. Leave us a comment and let us know what other ideas you have for getting out the word.


1) Write a letter to Clorox on organization letterhead just as Sierra Club has done.

2) Include a link to the campaign and a blurb on the organization's website.

3) Include a link to the campaign and a blurb in an organizational email newsletter or paper newsletter or announcements notice.

4) Give us a brief (one or two sentences) statement of support to post with the organization's logo on our Campaign Endorsers page. E-mail Beth Terry (beth [at] myplasticfreelife [dot] com) with any ideas for ways your organization would like to help.

Here is a sample e-mail individuals could send. Feel free to cut and paste into your e-mail program, or compose your own message to let folks know:

Dear _______________,

Do you use Brita water filters to purify your tap water or know someone who does? Have you ever wondered what happens to all the used plastic filter cartridges at the end of their lives?

If you lived in Europe, you could take that filter to a drop-off location where it would be sent back to Brita for recycling. Unfortunately, here in North America, we have no options for recycling our Brita cartridges at all. Each plastic cartridge is either landfilled or incinerated, adding to the toxic waste that is already choking our planet.

That's why I have signed on to the Take Back The Filter campaign (http://www.takebackthefilter.org) to urge The Clorox Company, which owns Brita in North America, to redesign their filters and provide a way for us to recycle them, as is done in Europe. I urge you to join me!

Here's how you can help:

Sign the Petition (http://www.gopetition.com/online/18444.html)

Send in your used filter cartridges: (http://takebackthefilter.org/2008/04/send-us-your-used-filters.html)

Read more about the issue: (http://www.takebackthefilter.org)

Forward this email to as many people as you know. This is a grassroots movement. If we don't speak up, who will?

